See it in Action

Watch our Demo Video
Discover how Codesealer can reduce your attack surface by watching an example deployment in our video.
This is a good place to start to get a quick introduction to Codesealer.

Visit our Demo Application
Do you want to see Codesealer live? Visit our demo application, a deployment of the vulnerable OWASP Juice Shop. Compare the site with and without Codesealer's protection enabled.
Open your browser's Developer Tools to see the effect!
Learn More

Dive Into the Tech
Want to learn all about Codesealer's features in detail? Visit our product page to learn more, or dive into our technical documentation.
Learn all about our end-to-end API encryption, API concealment, secure code delivery, and dynamic runtime protection.

Additional Resources
Take a deep dive into various topics in Cyber Security, by reading our blogs, watching our videos, or studying our white papers.
Discover how we proactively defend against various types of cyber threats, all while gaining a deeper understanding of attack mechanisms and tools.
Try it Yourself

Free Trial
Want to try Codesealer? Sign up for a 14-day Free Trial of Codesealer Self-Hosted and see how quickly you can reduce your attack surface to practically zero.
This action requires you to enter your email. You can try the software without using a credit card.

Get in Touch
Need a more tailored approach? We can customize your deployment to make sure we fit your security needs exactly. Let us walk you through the process and make an individual offer that suits your business.
This action requires you to enter your email. We guarantee a response within two business days.
Ready to seal your APIs?
Reach out to our team today to learn more about Codesealer's API protection features and discover how we can fortify your web applications against evolving cyber threats. Schedule a consultation or request a demo to witness the transformative impact of Codesealer firsthand.