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Simplify Compliance with Security Standards Using Codesealer’s API Security Solutions

Discover how we adhere to industry-leading security standards to safeguard your data and protect against emerging threats.

OWASP Standards


Following OWASP Top 10, OWASP API Top 10, and OWASP Mobile Top 10 enhances security in software development, reducing security breaches and protecting sensitive data to maintain user trust.

OWASP Mobile Top 10

By integrating Codesealer's advanced security measures, businesses can confidently protect their digital assets, maintain compliance with industry standards, and uphold the trust of their users in an increasingly complex cybersecurity landscape.

image saying 'protected by codesealer'
OWASP Top 10
A01:2021Broken Access Control
partial protectionCodesealer encrypts API request payloads and hides API endpoints, minimizing the risk that a poorly designed API can be exploited to circumvent access control mechanisms.
A02:2021Cryptographic Failures
strong protectionCodesealer wraps your existing application code and API calls in state of the art, standardized cryptographic protocols, ensuring that even legacy applications have strong cryptographic protection that extends beyond TLS.
strong protectionCodesealer end-to-end encrypts your API, effectively blocking automated hacker tools used to discover injection vulnerabilities. If injections are made through legitimate application interactions, our integrated WAF will stop the attack.
A04:2021Insecure Design
partial protectionCodesealer seamlessly wraps your existing application code and API is strong encryption, making reverse engineering extremely difficult. This ensures that any design weakness in the application become much harder to find and exploit.
A05:2021Security Misconfiguration
partial protectionDeploying Codesealer's highly secured reverse proxy allows you to seal away your existing web and API servers from the general Internet, making exploitation of any security misconfiguration exceedingly difficult.
A06:2021Vulnerable and Outdated Components
strong protectionCodesealer effectively manages the risks associated with vulnerable, unsupported, or outdated software components by encrypting the application's source code, including third-party dependencies, making it extremely difficult to detect that your application uses insecure components.
A08:2021Software and Data Integrity Failures
partial protectionCodesealer offers end-to-end integrity of your application's code and API transactions by protecting both with strong authenticated encryption.
A09:2021Security Logging and Monitoring Failures
strong protectionCodesealer effectively mitigates security logging and monitoring failures by providing robust and comprehensive logging and monitoring capabilities.
API1:2023Broken Object Level Authorization
strong protectionCodesealer fully end-to-end encrypts all API calls, including payloads and paths. This makes it exceedingly difficult for an attacker to analyze API calls and manipulate object identifiers, minimizing risk of exploitation.
API2:2023Broken Authentication
strong protectionCodesealer fully end-to-end encrypts all API calls, including payloads and paths. This makes it very hard for an attacker to manipulate or forge authentication requests. Additionally, all API requests has to be made from a genuine Codesealer session, making automated brute force attacks impractical.
API3:2023Broken Object Property Level Authorization
strong protectionCodesealer fully end-to-end encrypts all API calls, including payloads and paths. This protects any sensitive information from the attacker's eyes and makes it extremely hard to manipulate requests to obtain unintended access.
API4:2023Unrestricted Resource Consumption
partial protectionCodesealer provides application layer protection against unlimited API requests by presenting new clients with a Proof-of-Work challenge and rejecting any clients without a legitimate Codesealer session.
API5:2023Broken Function Level Authorization
strong protectionCodesealer fully end-to-end encrypts all API calls, including payloads and paths. This hides any unintentionally exposed endpoints from an attacker and makes it extremely hard to manipulate requests to obtain unintended access.
API6:2023Unrestricted Access to Sensitive Business Flows
strong protectionCodesealer fully end-to-end encrypts all API calls, including payloads and paths, and only allows calls to be made from genuine Codesealer sessions. This makes it exceedingly difficult to use the API outside its intended context and protecting sensitive flows from being exploited via automated tools.
API7:2023Server Side Request Forgery
partial protectionBy fully encrypting all API calls, including payloads and paths, Codesealer prevents most SSRF attack vectors that involve crafting malicious API requests.
API8:2023Security Misconfiguration
partial protectionDeploying Codesealer's highly secured reverse proxy allows you to seal away your existing APIs from the general Internet, making exploitation of any security misconfiguration exceedingly difficult.
API9:2023Improper Inventory Management
strong protectionSince Codesealer reveals no information about the underlying API endpoints, putting Codesealer in front of your API servers makes discovering and exploiting deprecated APIs essentially impossible.
OWASP Mobile Top 10
M1Improper Credential Usage
partial protectionCodesealer encrypts credentials transmitted via API requests, preventing interception and thus mitigate some cases of improper credential usage.
M3Insecure Authentication/Authorization
strong protectionCodesealer encrypts all API requests between the application and backend, and hides all API paths, making it very difficult to find and exploit any authorization/authentication weaknesses.
M5Insecure Communication
strong protectionCodesealer fully encrypts all communication between the application and backend, ensuring that all traffic is end-to-end protected by state of the art authenticated encryption at the application layer.
M6Inadequate Privacy Controls
partial protectionWith Codesealer, all API calls made by your application are fully encrypted at the application layer, including URL paths. This means that any PII accidentally exposed in API calls are fully hidden from prying eyes.
M10Insufficient Cryptography
strong protectionCodesealer wraps your existing API calls in state of the art, standardized cryptographic protocols, ensuring that even legacy applications have strong cryptographic protection that extends beyond TLS.
Start eliminating OWASP risks from your digital assets now and safeguard your organization's reputation and integrity.Partner with us to implement robust security measures and protect against evolving threats.

PCI-DSS Standards

Compliance with PCI DSS standards

With Codesealer, your public-facing web applications are protected against client-side script-based attacks, ensuring compliance with the new PCI DSS v4.0 standards 6.4 and 11.6.1 for web applications and web pages processing payment cards.

Requirements 6.4

6.4.1: Public-facing web applications are protected against ongoing threats and known attacks with automated solutions that detect, prevent, and log web-based attacks, ensuring real-time alerts or blocking.
6.4.2: An automated, real-time solution detects and prevents web-based attacks on public-facing applications, ensuring active monitoring, logging, and immediate alert investigation.
6.4.3: Payment page scripts are managed with authorization, integrity checks, and an inventory with justifications for each script. Codesealer protects your public-facing web applications against formjacking, data skimming, and Magecart attacks by extending encryption into the client. Your source code and APIs are fully encrypted, leaving attackers no way to intervene with the client-side scripts. WAF JavaScripts, APIs, and payloads on the payment page remain integral and fully encrypted, out of attackers' sight. Inventory management is an upcoming feature.

Requirement 11.6.1

Identify modifications to HTTP headers and payment page contents as received by the consumer's browser. Codesealer prevents modifications to HTTP headers and all payment page contents by encrypting them in the client’s browser. As for tamper detection, built-in mechanisms in the handshake and execution flow of the bootloader detect tampering attempts.
Njalsgade 76, 3rd FloorCopenhagen, Denmark
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